Collection: Peridot

Known for its bright light green color, peridot has been associated with good fortune and prosperity. Peridot is one of the few gemstones that comes in a single color, although it can range from brownish-green to yellowish-green. Peridot is often called the "evening emerald" due to the fact that it sparkles even in dim light, but our peridot beads are great gemstones for any time of the day. 

Peridot is an ancient stone and has even been found in meteorites and brought back to Earth in comet dust by the Stardust robotic space probe. While some peridot have come to us from outer space, it is also abundant in Earth's core. In fact, it was mined by Ancient Egyptians--then known as the "gem of the sun"--and was known to have been one of Queen Cleopatra's favorite gems. This could be why Ancient Greeks associate it with royal grace. 

The ancients believed that peridot could protect the wearer from both their nightmares and fears, by assisting in granting a good night's sleep. Along with prosperity, peridot was thought to bring with it another form of prosperity--good health. It is also thought to aid its wearer's eloquence and quick wit. 

All one need do is look at peridot to be touched by another of its supposed properties, happiness, as it is thought to boost confidence and our overall sense of self worth. This is imbued to its wearer, it is thought, alongside emotional balancing properties that aid us in discovering our own needs while also taking care of the needs of those around us.

Lastly, peridot is thought to be the best stone for beginning anew, embarking on growth or expansion as it boosts renewal. 

Peridot is the birthstone for August and the 16th anniversary.